
½ tsp per day. Have a 5 day break through the month. Oestrogen dominant symptoms may worsen in first month, as xeno-oestrogens are released into the blood. It does not last long. If symptoms worsen, double the dosage. Do not take less.

Fertile Females: follow their cycle

½ tsp of cream morning (on thinner skinned areas). Start just before ovulation and stop when menses start.

Disrupted cycles

2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, until it balances the cycle.

Enhancing pregnancy: Same as fertile females

Only stop cream once menses start. If pregnancy is suspected, continue for 3 months.


Option 1 – Fertile Female protocol but with a higher dose of progesterone. ½ tsp per day, maybe twice a day.
Option 2 – Menopause protocol. No longer ovulating and experiencing serious PMS. Can go up to ½ tsp 2 x per day, if necessary, for bad symptoms. Stopping only for 5 days of menses.


½ tsp once a day. Leave 5 days between jars.

Same as post-menopausal woman.

For stress. Prevent prostate problems and auto-immune dis-eases, arthritis. Apply to thin areas of skin.


Apply ½ tsp immediately at stressful times. It is natures “Valium”. Rub on inner arms for quick effect.


Gel, Cream, Naturone


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